Grant Process

The George Foundation strives to utilize grantmaking practices that result in more efficient and effective grantmaking and strengthened funder-grantee relationships.

Research and Registration

Please Think Through Your Request to See if It Meets the Following Criteria
  • Does it meet the Foundation’s basic grant eligibility guidelines?
  • Is it focused on meeting a critical need in Fort Bend County?
  • Is it strongly aligned with the Foundation’s grant strategy?
  • Does your organization have the leadership and staff to implement the proposed activities effectively?
  • Does your organization have sufficient resources, financial and otherwise, to ensure the activities can be implemented as proposed?
  • Will your request contain a clear evaluation plan with measurable outcomes that can be tracked and reported?

Our Grant Staff welcomes questions. If you are a current TGF Grantee, contact your Program Officer, or if you are new to The George Foundation or have a general application question, please contact us at or 281.342.6109.

Letter of Inquiry and Application

  1. All grant requests to the Foundation begin with a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) submitted through our Grants Portal as a required first step.
  2. Once your LOI is submitted, you will receive a receipt confirmation via email.
  3. After the Foundation has reviewed your LOI, you will be notified via email whether a complete application is invited or declined. Determinations on LOIs are generally made within 1-2 months of receipt.
  4. If a complete application is invited, organizations should be prepared to submit their complete application and supporting documents within two months from the date of the LOI approval. 

Note: LOIs and Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Review and Due Diligence

  1. As part of the due diligence process, Grant Staff may contact you with questions concerning your LOI/Application and your organization.  
  2. Grant Staff may contact you to schedule a site visit. The site visit allows the Applicant and the Foundation to learn more about each other and discuss the proposed request. Site visits take approximately an hour and a half and typically involve the Applicant’s chief executive officer, board representatives, and key program staff (if applicable).
  3. Upon completion of their due diligence review, Grant Staff will present the request for consideration at a monthly Trustee Meeting. Determinations on applications are generally made within 2-4 months of receipt.

Decision, Monitoring, and Reporting

  1. Decision: All grant decisions are made by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. If the request is approved, the organization will receive a Grant Contract via email outlining the terms and conditions of the grant. Once the Grant Contract has been executed by the organization’s board chair and chief executive officer and returned to the Foundation, the grant payment(s) will be scheduled. If a request is declined, the organization will receive a declination letter via email.

    Note: A decision by the Foundation not to fund a request does not reflect on the Applicant’s merits or the proposal’s value. Typically, all organizations must wait one year to reapply for funding, whether approved or declined.
  2. Monitoring: If the proposal is funded, our Grant Staff will remain in contact to ensure appropriate organizational and programmatic updates are communicated. Throughout the grant term, we encourage Grantees to add their assigned Grant Staff to email and mailing distribution lists to receive updates. We ask you to inform the Foundation of organizational changes, whether significant or small, including changes in key personnel or contact information.
  3. Reporting: Changes to Your Funded Grant: If your organization wishes to make any changes that will materially alter the scope, timeline, or nature of the grant as originally proposed and for which the grant was awarded, you must first submit a written request for a Grant Amendment. Written approval must be obtained from the Foundation before implementing any changes, or the grant may be rescinded. Please contact Grant Staff to discuss any grant amendments.

    Grant Reports – Grantees are asked to submit reports detailing their accomplishments, activities, outputs, and outcomes during the grant period. The reports assist the Foundation in understanding the work of grantees, adjusting our grant strategies, and maintain fiduciary oversight of the funds invested in the community.

    Final Grant Report – All Grantees are required to submit a Final Grant Report; others may be required to submit Progress Report(s) along with a Final Grant Report, depending on the scope of the grant. For your convenience, report due dates are listed in the Grant Contract, and a reminder email will be sent to Grantees before a due date.
  4. Community Impact Evaluation – The Foundation will review key performance metrics on operational performance, organizational effectiveness, finances, and social value. 

Grant Staff are open to assisting Applicants and Grantees with questions regarding the grantmaking program.
Please contact us at or 281-342-6109. 
To begin the Application process, visit our online grants portal.