Building Better Futures
TGF Grants Portal
The Foundation receives applications and reports through an online grants portal. Please visit the links below to become acquainted with the system prior to setting up an account:
Thank you for considering The George Foundation as a potential partner for your work. Fort Bend is home to an outstanding network of nonprofit organizations serving our neighbors with passion and purpose. As a place-based grantmaker, we award grants to 501(c)(3) organizations and other tax-exempt organizations whose operations are based in Fort Bend County. We also award grants to organizations that provide high-quality services not otherwise available in Fort Bend to a significant number of Fort Bend County residents. We accept Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) and Grant Applications throughout the year, with no deadlines or specific grantmaking cycles.
To help you get to know us better, we recommend reviewing our About Us, Funding Priorities, and Strategic Plan pages to give you a sense of our mission, history, and grantmaking program. The information on the following tabs will also help you know what to expect throughout the grant application process.

Grant Eligibility
Organizations must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and provide services or programs to directly benefit residents of Fort Bend County. Continue reading for more about our grant eligibility criteria.
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Grant Process
The George Foundation grant process is designed to minimize burdens on grantseekers, enabling them to spend more time on mission.
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